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Imaging of a Case of Atrioventricular Septal Defect: The added value of using the Third Dimension
  • +1
  • Hoda Shehata,
  • Mahmoud Abdelnabi,
  • Abdallah Almaghraby,
  • Mohamed Abdel-Hay
Hoda Shehata
Alexandria University Faculty of Medicine

Corresponding Author:dodoo22_4@hotmail.com

Author Profile
Mahmoud Abdelnabi
Alexandria University Medical Research Institute
Author Profile
Abdallah Almaghraby
Alexandria University Faculty of Medicine
Author Profile
Mohamed Abdel-Hay
Alexandria University Faculty of Medicine
Author Profile


Atrioventricular septal defects (AVSD) entails a wide range of morphological anomalies including the interatrial and interventricular communications and the atrioventricular (AV) valve(s). However, “En face ”visualization of these anomalies could not be done using standard two-dimensional echocardiography. Therefore, we report a case that highlights the role of three-dimensional echocardiography in imaging AVSDs.