Nutrient fluctuation has different effects on a tropical invader in
communities from the native and non-native range
Fluctuating resource hypothesis proposed that resource fluctuation
facilitates the successful invasion of exotic plant. Biotic resistance
hypothesis proposed that more species rich communities should be more
resistant to invasion. Here, we synthesize these ideas in a single
experiment with the invader, Chromolaena odorata in 315 artificial
communities with resident plants from native and non-native ranges. We
found that the effects of nutrient fluctuation on invasion success are
contingent on resident origin (native vs. non-native range), and this
effect was weaker in more species rich communities. Our results suggest
a novel twist on the fluctuating resource hypothesis: suggesting that it
is more powerful in species poor communities of non-native origin. This
also suggests that competition for fluctuating resources may be one
mechanism governing biotic resistance hypothesis (e.g. the effects of
richness were greater when resources were fluctuating).