A Non-Iterative Transformation Method Applied to Boundary-Layer Flows of
Non-Newtonian Fluids Past a Flat Plate
- Riccardo Fazio

Riccardo Fazio

Universita degli Studi di Messina Dipartimento di Scienze matematiche e informatiche scienze fisiche e scienze della terra
Corresponding Author:rfazio@unime.it
Author ProfileAbstract
In this paper, we define a non-iterative transformation method for
boundary-layer flows of non-Newtonian fluids past a flat plate. The
problem to be solved is an extended Blasius problem depending on a
parameter. This method allows us to solve numerically the extended
Blasius problem by solving a related initial value problem and then
rescaling the obtained numerical solution. Therefore, it is a
non-iterative initial value method. We find that our computed numerical
results, for a wide range of the parameter involved, are in very good
agreement with the data reported in the literature.