December 26, 2024
History Matching with Evidential Deep Neural Networks to Improve Terrestrial Water St...
Kachinga Silwimba, Alejandro N. Flores, Linnia Hawkins, et al.
January 08, 2021
Global-scale shifts in Anthropocene rooting depths pose unexamined consequences in cr...
Emma Hauser, Pamela L Sullivan, Alejandro N. Flores, et al.
May 11, 2022
Global-scale shifts in Anthropocene rooting depths pose unexamined consequences for c...
Emma Hauser, Pamela L Sullivan, Alejandro N. Flores, et al.
March 24, 2020
Continental-scale patterns of extracellular enzyme activity in the subsoil: an overlo...
Nicholas Dove, Keshav Arogyaswamy, Sharon Billings, et al.