Competition poorly correlates with morphological niche partitioning in a
radiation of tropical lizards
- Alex Slavenko,
- Allen Allison,
- Shai Meiri
Alex Slavenko
The University of Sheffield
Author ProfileAbstract
Morphology is expected to represent species' ecological niches, based on
microhabitat and ecological selection pressures dictating morphological
adaptations for efficient performance. However, the presence of
competitor species is predicted to cause niches to contract. Therefore,
an increase in species richness is expected to lead to narrower niches,
and reduced overlap and distances between niches of different species.
We tested these predictions on the skink fauna of New Guinea, the
world's largest tropical island. We show that, while some morphospace
metrics change predictably with species richness, elevation is a
stronger predictor of morphospace occupancy. As elevation increases
niches become narrower and closer to each other, and overall morphospace
occupancy decreases. Highland skinks are, on average, smaller, thinner,
and with shorter limbs than lowland species. We hypothesize that harsh
climates in highland habitats impose strong selection on skinks to
occupy specific areas of morphospace that facilitate efficient
thermoregulation in sub-optimal thermal conditions.