Stability of positronium negative ion in non-ideal classical plasmas
- Biswajit Das,
- Arijit Ghoshal
Biswajit Das
The University of Burdwan
Author ProfileAbstract
The stability of positronium negative ion embedded in non-ideal
classical plasmas has been investigated theoretically within the
framework of Rayleigh-Ritz variational method by computing its ground
state energy quite accurately. A pseudopotential, derived from a
solution of Bogolyubov's hierarchy equations, has been used to describe
interactions among the charged particles in plasma. A large basis set is
utilized to compute accurately various quantities, such as binding
energy, cusp values, annihilation rate, associated with the ground state
of the ion. A detailed study has been made on the effects of
non-ideality of plasma on those quantities. In particular, special
emphasis is given to determine the ranges of plasma screening parameters
within which the ion remains stable.