August 24, 2024
Xylem and phloem in petioles are coordinated with leaf gas exchange in oaks with cont...
Rubén Martín-Sánchez, Domingo Sancho-Knapik, Juan Pedro Ferrio, et al.
April 12, 2022
Two path length effects emerging from ontogenetically stable axial xylem design affec...
Giai Petit, Maurizio Mencuccini, Marco Carrer, et al.
February 27, 2023
Linking vegetation to climate using ecosystem pressure-volume relationships
Oliver Binks, Patrick Meir, Alexandra Konings, et al.
November 01, 2022
Bridging scales: a temporal approach to evaluate global transpiration products using...
Paulo R.L. Bittencourt, Lucy Rowland, Stephen Sitch, et al.
October 22, 2021
Vapour pressure deficit is the main driver of tree canopy conductance across biomes
Victor Flo, Jordi Martínez-Vilalta, Víctor Granda, et al.
June 27, 2021
Radially transmitted changes in hydraulic and osmotic pressures help explain reversib...
Sebastian Pfautsch, John Drake, Mike Aspinwall, et al.
October 09, 2020
Small understorey trees have greater capacity than canopy trees to adjust hydraulic t...
André Giles, Lucy Rowland, Paulo Bittencourt, et al.
March 04, 2020
Adaptation and coordinated evolution of plant hydraulic traits.
Pablo Sanchez-Martinez, Jordi Martinez-Vilalta, Kyle Dexter, et al.