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Publishing scientific papers in the 21st century
  • Matteo Cavalleri,
  • Alberto Pepe
Matteo Cavalleri

Corresponding Author:mcavalleri@wiley.com

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Alberto Pepe
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The format of science papers and articles now have hardly changed since the 17th century, even though research methods and published content have evolved immensely. Why do scientists produce innovative modern-day research, but still publish it in a 400-year-old format? What can we do to produce scientific articles ‘of the future’ that better serve the global, collaborative, and data-rich science of the 21st century?
Alberto Pepe, Senior Director, Strategy and Innovation, Atypon and Matteo Cavalleri, Publisher, Wiley will be discussing Wiley’s vision of the scientific article, and how preprints, interactive figures, multimedia elements and code integration are innovating scholarly publications.
Part of Wiley Research APAC Webinars, recording available (free registration required) here.