How to make paleo research more accessible for disabled scientists, now
and in the future
Disabled scientists are severely underrepresented in geosciences,
including paleo-related fields. In this presentation, I will explain how
potential benefits from remote work can help improve access for disabled
scientists (broadly defined). Some improvements include fewer barriers
due to commuting to work (which contributes to fatigue) or physical
access to buildings and labs, reduced stimuli (potentially helpful for
learning disabilities and migraines), and more flexible working hours
(helpful for a range of disabilities). Although restricted access to
labs may change research directions, it’s possible for some
computational research to continue. However, there are also new
challenges arising from remote work, from social isolation to non-ideal
work environments, that may have a disproportionate impact on disabled
researchers. The pandemic has also forced some researchers to disclose
their health conditions to explain that they are at a high risk for
severe illness from COVID-19. I suggest that, even after COVID-19 is
resolved, the paleo communities continue to support flexible work
options, which could improve the representation of disabled scientists.
Furthermore, we can use this period of reduced fieldwork and remote
teaching to consider how to improve access for all scientists at field
sites, in classrooms, and in labs.