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Mozilla Mini Grant Application (June 3, 2017)
  • Daniela Saderi, Ph.D.,
  • Samantha Hindle
Daniela Saderi, Ph.D.
Oregon Health & Science University

Corresponding Author:daniela.saderi@gmail.com

Author Profile
Samantha Hindle
University of California, San Francisco
Author Profile


Here is how it all started. Two researchers and ASAPbio Ambassadors met at a Mozilla Working Open Workshop in April 2017. A PhD student (Daniela) and a postdoctoral fellow (Sam) decided to volunteer some of their time to develop guidelines to help researchers from all around the world start preprint journal clubs. We believed this would have contributed positively to spreading the word and value of preprints in the scientific community, as well as helped early-career researchers master their skills in peer review.
During the Mozilla Science Global Sprint, June 2-3 2017, we wrote our application to the first Mozilla Science Mini-Grant. We asked for enough money to support 20 beta testers by covering the cost of snacks and beverage for two preprint journal clubs. And we were awarded!
Since then, a lot has happened, including starting PREreview thank to the help of the Authorea team and the support of many others who share our mission.
Since July, our application has been posted on our project GitHub, but we wanted to have it on PREreview as well. So below is our full proposal. Thank you!