March 11, 2025
Understanding Sub-Lithospheric Small-Scale Convection By Linking Models Of Grain Size...
Juliane Dannberg, Zachary C Eilon, Joshua B. Russell, et al.
January 28, 2020
Depth dependent azimuthal anisotropy beneath the Juan de Fuca plate system
Zachary C Eilon and Donald W. Forsyth
January 15, 2021
Teleseismic attenuation, temperature, and melt of the upper mantle in the Alaska subd...
Roque A. Soto Castaneda, Geoffrey A. Abers, Zachary C Eilon, et al.
July 22, 2022
Sub-Lithospheric Small-Scale Convection Tomographically Imaged Beneath the Pacific Pl...
Zachary C Eilon, Lun Zhang, James B. Gaherty, et al.
September 22, 2021
Distributed Extension across the Ethiopian Rift and Plateau Illuminated by Joint Inve...
Jon Petruska and Zachary C Eilon
August 23, 2021
Mantle structure and flow across the continent-ocean transition of the eastern North...
Brennan Brunsvik, Zachary Eilon, Colton Lynner, et al.