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Enhancement Strategies for Public Administrations: Rental  Reductions, Rationalization and Relocation of Institutional Functions
  • Genny Cia
Genny Cia
Politecnico di Milano

Corresponding Author:genny.cia@polimi.it

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This paper presents an overview of the main topics about enhancement strategies for public real estate, with a focus on cost  of lease and its corrective actions: rental reduction, rationalization and  relocation of institutional functions.
The research has a dual objective of defining a management model to support the government decision-making process on reduction costs of lease and allowing to verify and to assess technical and economic feasibility of public spaes rationalization plan.
From goals and scarcity of specific documents available arise a set of assumptions which will guide the research.
As regard the methodology, the study used a sequential mixed method approach. Starting on literature review; data analysis and processes both in PREM and in CREM. The comparison of findings will be used to define criteria and factors that may affect strategy feasibility,  and therefore the choice among any alternatives by Multi Criteria Decision  Analysis.  In addition, the research aims to test the model on a case study in order to verify its usability and delivery capability.
Finally, the first results show that, even in strategies of space rationalization, there is a lack of appropriate information, expertise  and tools suitable for managing the process.