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  • Eman AbdelSabour,
  • massimo.tadi
Eman AbdelSabour
Politecnico di Milano

Corresponding Author:eman.abdel@polimi.it

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    Sustainability  is increasingly being considered as a key  aspect in shaping  the urban environment. It works as  an invention development basis for global urban growth. Currently, different models and structures impact the means of interpreting the criteria that would be included in defining  a sustainable city.  There is a collective need to improve the growth path to an extremely sustainable  path by presenting different suggestions regarding multi-scale initiatives. The  global rise in urbanization has led to increased demand and pressure for better  urban planning choice and scenarios for a better sustainable urban alternative.  The need for an assessment tool at the urban scale was prompted due to the trend of  developing increasingly sustainable urban development (SUD). The neighborhood  scale is being managed by a growing research committee since it seems to be a  pertinent scale through which economic, environmental, and social impacts could  be addressed. Although neighborhood design is a comparatively old practice, it  is in the initial years of the 21st century when environmentalists  and planners started developing sustainable assessment at the neighborhood  level. Through this, urban reality can be considered at a larger  scale whereby themes which are beyond the scale of a single building can be  addressed, while it still stays small enough that concrete measures could be  analyzed. The neighborhood assessment tool has a key role of helping  neighborhood sustainability to perform approach and fulfill objectives through  a set of themes and criteria. These  tools are also known as neighborhood assessment tool, District assessment tool,  and sustainable community rating tool. The main focus of research has been on  sustainability from the economic and environmental aspect, whereas the social  cultural aspect is rarely focused on.
This research is based on Doha, Qatar,  the current urban conditions of the neighborhoods is discussed in this  research. The research problem focuses on the spatial features do not  correlate with the socio-cultural aspects. This research is outlined through three parts; First  section comprises of review of the latest use of socio-cultural assessment  methods in order to improve physical features of the neighborhood . Second  section includes urban settlement development with regard to regulations and the process  of decision making. An analysis of urban development policy with particular  reference to neighborhood development is also discussed in this section.     Moreover,  it includes a historical review of the urban growth of the neighborhoods as an atom of the city system present in Doha . Last section involves developing  quantified  indicators regarding subjective well-being through participatory approach.  additionally, applying GIS  will be utilized as a visualizing tool for the apparent Quality of Life (QOL) that need  to be  provided in the neighborhood area as an assessment approach. Envisaging the  present QOL situation in Doha neighborhoods is a process to improve current  condition neighborhood function involves many day to day activities of the residents , due to which neighborhoods are considered dynamic  \cite{Choguill_2008} )neighborhood function involves many day to day activities of the residents , due to which neighborhoods are considered dynamic of neighborhoods in Doha.