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Apache Taverna Language: Semantic and flexible workflow definitions
  • +2
  • Stian Soiland-Reyes,
  • Awaiting Activation,
  • Awaiting Activation,
  • Awaiting Activation,
  • Matthew Gamble
Stian Soiland-Reyes

Corresponding Author:soiland-reyes@manchester.ac.uk

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Awaiting Activation
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Awaiting Activation
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Awaiting Activation
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Matthew Gamble
University of Manchester
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Authors: Stian Soiland-Reyes 1,2, David Withers, Alan R Williams1,2, Donal Fellows1,2, Matthew Gamble2, Carole Goble2

1 Apache Software Foundation; 2 University of Manchester

This article describes the workflow language of
Apache Taverna \cite{Wolstencroft_2013},
in particular focusing on its workflow language SCUFL2 and the abstract semantic
workflow model wfdesc.

The SCUFL2 API \cite{3721cfa2-edd7-43f1-825a-6b5044f0d0db}
allows construction and inspection of Taverna 3
workflows from independent applications, but also enables translation
from/to different abstract and concrete third-party workflow formats
MG-RAST AWE) and the Common Workflow Language

This includes the general semantic model
which we have created within the
Wf4Ever project \cite{Hettne_2014}
for the purpose of workflow preservation and annotation.
wfdesc is easily combined with W3C PROV-based
workflow provenance,
and is also used by the digital
preservation project SCAPE
to find and compose semantically
described Workflow Components from the myExperiment workflow