Arizona State University, Earth Genome, and USACE' Engineer Research and Development Center has been working together under a Network for Engineering With Nature project to develop a Web Application tool for regional screening of Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) Projects. The objective of the project is to provide relative, regional indices for appropriate siting of MAR, which would be an innovative approach to flood management and restore hydrological and ecological processes linked to aquifer recharge. Developing a rigorous decision-making framework includes physical characteristics such as surface water runoff, connection with groundwater aquifers; as well as social considerations, such as land use, engaging stakeholders in floodplain management, and distribution of risks and benefits. A suite of analyses, from CONUS-wide Machine Learning for groundwater attributes and statistical estimation of flood volumes to surveys about perceptions of MAR were implemented to inform development of a decision support tool and supplemental guidance in an effort to increase the accessibility of this innovative flood management approach to floodplain managers. This research is funded by the Engineering With Nature ® and Network for Engineering With Nature® programs.