Core losses and hysteresis loops are critical information in the design process of power magnetics, yet the physics behind core loss and hysteresis loops are not fully understood. Core losses and hysteresis loops change for each magnetic material, are highly nonlinear, and depend heavily on the electrical operating conditions (e.g., waveform, frequency, amplitude, dc bias) and the mechanical properties (e.g. pressure, vibration), as well as temperature, and geometry of the magnetic components. Understanding the complexity of these factors is important for the development of accurate models, in addition to addressing the applicability and limitations of each model. Existing studies on power magnetics are usually developed based on a small amount of data and do not reveal the full magnetic behavior across a wide range of operating conditions. In this paper, based on a recently developed large-scale open-source database - MagNet - the core losses and hysteresis loops of Mn-Zn ferrites are analyzed in a wide range of amplitudes, frequencies, waveform shapes, dc bias, and temperatures, to quantify the complexity of modeling magnetic core losses and hysteresis loops and provide guidelines for modeling power magnetics with data-driven methods.