Young’s double slit experiment produces a single interference pattern, which has been explained as the consequence of the Superposition of waves. The cross double slit consists of at least two components. A component is either a single slit or a double slit or a triple slit, etc. A cross double slit experiment produces a combination of at least two interference patterns. In this article, we propose the Superposition of patterns of cross double slit experiment: at certain distance from the diaphragm, the complete pattern is the Superposition of the patterns produced by each component, respectively. L P1 P2 P3 Superposition of pattern is valid: yes or no 10 mm blob: blob: blob: No. Since there is fine structure in P3, so blob: P1 and P2 are Particle patterns. P3 is Pre-Particle pattern 50 mm blob: blob: blob: Yes. Since there is no fine structure in P3, so blob: P1, P2 and P3 are Particle patterns. 1100 mm blob: blob: blob: Yes. blob: P1, P2 and P3 are interference patterns. The Superposition of patterns is valid for the Particle patterns and the Interference patterns at certain distances from the diaphragm, while is not valid for the Pre-particle patterns and Transition patterns. The mystery is that when crossing two or more components at an angle, the fine structures emerge, which destroyed the Superposition of patterns. We show the Superposition of patterns in detail to provide phenomena for further theoretical study.