Young’s double slit (and Arago spot) experiments revived the wave theory of light. The standard interpretation is that the light behaves as waves before and after passing through the double slit. Feynman called the double slit experiment the only mystery in quantum mechanics. In this article, we postulate and experimentally confirm the precise rules of convex lenses. Based on those Postulates, we study the evolution of the patterns of single slit, double slit, triple slit, cross-double slit, disc ring, 1D-grating and 2D-grating experiments. The experiments show, for the first time, the novel universal phenomena: (1) Within a certain macroscopic distance from the diaphragm (Zone-1), light behaves as photons and produces a non-interference pattern, while near the screen (the far field, Zone-3), the photons produce an interference pattern, while between Zone-1 and Zone-3 (Zone-2), the photons produce an non-interference pattern; namely the nature and characteristics of the pattern are distance dependent; (2) The non-interference pattern evolves to the interference pattern gradually in the same experiment; (3) The convex lens stops the evolution of the patterns. The experiments provide profound phenomena/data for further theoretical development of optics and for understanding the nature of light. We suggest that a complete theory should be able to interpret the non-interference pattern in Zone-1, the non-interference pattern in Zone-2, and the interference pattern in Zone-3; and the evolution from one pattern to another.