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Electron Heating in Magnetosheath Turbulence: Dominant Role of the Parallel Electric Field within Coherent Structures
  • +5
  • Qianyun Xu,
  • Meng Zhou,
  • Wenqing Ma,
  • Jiansen He,
  • Shiyong Huang,
  • Zhihong Zhong,
  • Ye Pang,
  • Xiaohua Deng
Qianyun Xu
Nanchang University
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Meng Zhou
Nanchang University

Corresponding Author:monmentum82@gmail.com

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Wenqing Ma
Nanchang university
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Jiansen He
Peking University
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Shiyong Huang
Wuhan University
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Zhihong Zhong
Nanchang University
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Ye Pang
Nanchang University
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Xiaohua Deng
Nanchang University
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How are particles being energized by turbulent electromagnetic fields is an outstanding question in plasma physics and astrophysics. This paper investigates the electron acceleration mechanism in strong turbulence (δB/B0 ~ 1) in the Earth’s magnetosheath based on the novel observations of the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission. We find that electrons are magnetized in turbulent fields for the majority of the time. By directly calculating the electron acceleration rate from Fermi, betatron mechanism, and parallel electric field, it is found that electrons are primarily accelerated by the parallel electric field within coherent structures. Moreover, the acceleration rate by parallel electric fields increases as the spatial scale reduces, with the most intense acceleration occurring over about one ion inertial length. This study is an important step towards fully understanding the turbulent energy dissipation in weakly collisional plasmas.