Theoretical study on the evolution mechanism of NOX and COX during the
pyrolysis of nitric acid and glucopyranose
A comprehensive understanding of the interaction mechanisms between
nitric acid and sugar is crucial for applying sugars as denitrifying
agents in the treatment of high-level radioactive waste. However, the
evolutionary behavior and interaction mechanisms of nitric acid with
sugar remain unclear. In this work, the mechanisms and kinetics of the
reaction between nitric acid and glucose that produce key products (NO
2, NO, CO 2, and CO) have been studied
in detail by means of quantum chemistry. The work shows five different
paths leading to the ring-opening of β-D-glucopyranose. The results
indicate that the ring-opening path involving the interaction of H
3O + with glycosidic oxygen has the
greatest kinetic advantage, with lower energy of highest point (EHP)
(63.6 kJ/mol) and lower highest energy barrier (HEB) (49.2 kJ/mol). At
the same time, the study shows that the redox reaction between nitric
acid and the aldehyde group of glucose plays a dominant role throughout
the reaction pathway. This process not only reduces nitric acid to
nitrous acid, laying the foundation for the subsequent production of NO
2 and NO, but also oxidizes the aldehyde group to a
carboxyl group, creating conditions favorable for the generation of CO
2 and CO. In addition, through thermodynamic analysis of
the four reaction products (NO 2, NO, CO
2, and CO), the study shows that the reactions producing
NO 2 and NO are spontaneous exothermic reactions, while
the reactions generating CO 2 and CO are non-spontaneous
endothermic reactions.