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MYB93 regulates responses to environmental sulphur in Arabidopsis and tomato.
  • +7
  • Xulyu Cao,
  • Clare Clayton,
  • Helen Wilkinson,
  • Bethany Hutton,
  • Nancy McMulkin,
  • Neil Graham,
  • Ross Etherington,
  • Alice Oliver,
  • Harjeet Kaur,
  • Julia Coates
Xulyu Cao
Southwest University College of Resources and Environment
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Clare Clayton
University of Birmingham School of Biosciences
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Helen Wilkinson
University of Birmingham School of Biosciences
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Bethany Hutton
University of Birmingham School of Biosciences
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Nancy McMulkin
University of Birmingham School of Biosciences
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Neil Graham
University of Nottingham School of Biosciences
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Ross Etherington
University of Birmingham School of Biosciences
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Alice Oliver
University of Birmingham School of Biosciences
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Harjeet Kaur
University of Birmingham School of Biosciences
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Julia Coates
University of Birmingham School of Biosciences

Corresponding Author:j.c.coates@bham.ac.uk

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Sulphur (S) is an important nutrient that has wide-ranging effects on plant health and metabolism. Several classes of transcription factor respond to S deprivation, including R2R3-MYBs. In Arabidopsis, the AtMYB93 transcription factor-encoding gene is upregulated by S deprivation. AtMYB93 has a non-redundant function in lateral root development and redundant functions in suberin biosynthesis alongside related MYB transcription factors, but AtMYB93’s role in S signalling, and how it relates to lateral root development, is unknown. We show that the transcriptome of Atmyb93 mutant roots implicates AtMYB93 in responses to S, including changes in S transport and metabolism, and flavonoid- and carbohydrate metabolism. Elemental analysis demonstrates that the Atmyb93 mutant has elevated shoot S levels while tomato SlMYB93-overexpressing plants have reduced shoot S. We uncover a stimulatory effect of S deprivation on adventitious root development. However, Atmyb93 mutants do not show significant changes in sensitivity to S with respect to lateral- or adventitious root development, most likely due to some functional redundancy. We show that the increase in AtMYB93 expression upon S deprivation is not due to global effects of S on its regulator SCARECROW. Furthermore, we show that AtMYB93 interacts with AtMPK3 and that the Atmpk3 mutant has elevated lateral root density. Taken together, our data suggest that AtMYB93 has a role in mediating root responses to S in alongside other root transcription factors.