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Inverse problems by the wave equation for a medium with multiple types of cavities with C2,θ boundaries and a modified asymptotic solution
  • Wakako Kawashita,
  • Mishio Kawashita
Wakako Kawashita
Hiroshima Daigaku Daigakuin Senshin Rikokei Kagaku Kenkyuka Denki System Seigyo Program
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Mishio Kawashita
Hiroshima Daigaku Daigakuin Senshin Rikokei Kagaku Kenkyuka Sugaku Program

Corresponding Author:kawasita@hiroshima-u.ac.jp

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In this paper, inverse problems by the wave equation for a medium with multiple types of cavities with C 2 , θ boundaries is discussed. The previous our result for this problem provides the “shortest lenght”and the “sign of the cavity”for the non-separated case by using the asymptotic solution. However, usual asymptotic solution required the additional regularity assumption for the boundaries of the cavities. Then, a “modified asymptotic solution”is introduced here and the regularity assumption for the boundaries of cavities are relaxed.