A novel almost semi-globally convergence neural-adaptive nonlinear
stochastic attitude filter on SO(3) with sensor delay
In this work, a novel neural-adaptive nonlinear delay stochastic filter
is designed to address the attitude estimation problem. This filter is
represented using the special orthogonal group SO ( 3 ) , and employs
low-cost sensors’ units. Specifically, the Brownian motion is introduced
to characterize the noise that maps the system dynamics to stochastic
differential equations (SDEs), ensuring that the attitude estimation
problem can be analyzed in a stochastic sense. Neural networks (NNs) are
employed to design an attitude filter that accounts for sensor
measurement delay and noise by incorporating a Lyapunov function. This
stochastic filter design ensures that the closed-loop system is almost
semi-globally uniformly ultimately bounded (SGUUB) in the mean square
sense. Finally, simulations to verify the efficiency of the proposed
attitude filter.