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Combining the 15N Gas flux method and N2O isotopocule data for the determination of soil microbial N2O sources
  • +7
  • Gianni Micucci,
  • dominika lewicka-szczebak,
  • Fotis Sgouridis,
  • Reinhard Well,
  • Caroline Buchen-Tschiskale,
  • Niall P. McNamara,
  • Stefan Krause,
  • Iseult Lynch,
  • Felicity Roos,
  • Sami Ulla
Gianni Micucci
University of Birmingham School of Geography Earth and Environmental Sciences

Corresponding Author:giannimicucci@gmail.com

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dominika lewicka-szczebak
Uniwersytet Wroclawski Instytut Nauk Geologicznych
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Fotis Sgouridis
University of Bristol School of Geographical Sciences
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Reinhard Well
Johann Heinrich von Thunen -Institut Institut fur Agrarklimaschutz
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Caroline Buchen-Tschiskale
Johann Heinrich von Thunen -Institut Institut fur Agrarklimaschutz
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Niall P. McNamara
Centre for Ecology & Hydrology Lancaster Site
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Stefan Krause
University of Birmingham School of Geography Earth and Environmental Sciences
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Iseult Lynch
University of Birmingham School of Geography Earth and Environmental Sciences
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Felicity Roos
National Trust
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Sami Ulla
University of Birmingham School of Geography Earth and Environmental Sciences
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The analysis of natural abundance isotopes in biogenic N 2O molecules can give precious information such as the nature of their precursor. However, many uncertainties exist and further validations are necessary to confirm this method as a reliable tracer of biogeochemical cycles. In particular, current methodologies (such as the isotopocule map approach) can only estimate the combined contributions of several processes at once. In this study, we aimed to develop a new methodology capable of individually discriminating the main sources of N 2O production in soil by combining natural abundance isotopes with the use of a 15N tracer ( 15N Gas Flux method). To achieve this, we conducted parallel laboratory incubations of an agricultural soil, during which we optimized the denitrification conditions through increase of moisture and amendment of nitrate; where this nitrate was either labelled or unlabeled with 15N atoms. A new linear system combined with Monte Carlo simulation enabled the determination of N 2O source partitioning, where bacterial denitrification was identified as the dominant process (87.6%), compared to fungal denitrification (9.4%), nitrification (1.5%) and nitrifier denitrification (1.6%). This new system has been compared to a recently developed stable isotope modelling tool applying Bayesian statistics (FRAME). The results agreed generally well at the exception of lower bacterial denitrification (80%) and higher nitrifier-denitrification (9%) contributions found with the FRAME model. This new approach provides a perspective for a wider application, potentially enabling the source partitioning of nitrous oxide emissions in agroecosystems.
27 Aug 2024Submitted to Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry
28 Aug 2024Submission Checks Completed
28 Aug 2024Assigned to Editor
28 Aug 2024Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
01 Sep 2024Reviewer(s) Assigned