Ancient microbiomes as mirrored by DNA extracted from century-old
herbarium plants and associated soil
- Gianluca GRASSO,
- Régis Debruyne,
- Martino Adamo,
- Olivier Rué,
- Franck Lejzerowicz,
- Lucie Bittner,
- Valeria Bianciotto,
- Roland Marmeisse
Gianluca GRASSO
University of Turin
Author ProfileValeria Bianciotto
Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection National Research Council
Author ProfileAbstract
Numerous specimens stored in natural history collections have been
involuntarily preserved together with their associated microbiomes. We
propose exploiting centuries-old soils occasionally found on the roots
of herbarium plants to assess the diversity of ancient soil microbial
communities originally associated with these plants. We validated this
approach extracting and sequencing DNA from rhizospheric soils and roots
of four plant species preserved in herbaria for more than 120 years.
Extracted DNA displayed typical features of ancient DNA, with cytosine
deamination at the ends of fragments predominantly shorter than 50 bp.
When compared to extant microbiomes, herbarium microbial communities
clustered with soil communities and were distinct from communities from
other environments. Herbarium communities also displayed biodiversity
features and assembly rules typical of soil and plant-associated ones.
Soil communities were richer than root-associated ones with which they
shared most taxa. Regarding community turnover, we detected collection
site, soil versus root, and also plant species effects. Eukaryotic taxa
that displayed a higher abundance in roots were mostly plant pathogens
or obligate symbionts that were not identified among soil-enriched ones.
Conservation of these biodiversity features and assembly rules in
herbarium-associated microbial communities indicates that
herbarium-extracted DNA could reflect the composition of the original
plant-associated microbial communities and that preservation in herbaria
seemingly did not alter these characteristics. Through the use of this
approach, it should be possible to investigate historical soils and
herbarium plant roots to explore the diversity and temporal dynamics of
soil microbial communities.21 Aug 2024Submitted to Molecular Ecology Resources 22 Aug 2024Submission Checks Completed
22 Aug 2024Assigned to Editor
22 Aug 2024Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
13 Sep 2024Reviewer(s) Assigned
20 Jan 2025Editorial Decision: Revise Minor