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The impact of LIDAR-assisted pitch control on floating offshore wind operational expenditure
  • +7
  • Andrew Russell,
  • Jade McMorland,
  • Maurizio Collu,
  • Alasdair McDonald,
  • Philipp Thies,
  • Aidan Keane,
  • Alexander R. Quayle,
  • David McMillan,
  • James Carroll,
  • Andrea Coraddu
Andrew Russell
The University of Edinburgh School of Engineering

Corresponding Author:a.j.russell-1@sms.ed.ac.uk

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Jade McMorland
University of Strathclyde Naval Architecture Ocean and Marine Engineering
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Maurizio Collu
University of Strathclyde Naval Architecture Ocean and Marine Engineering
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Alasdair McDonald
The University of Edinburgh School of Engineering
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Philipp Thies
University of Exeter Faculty of Environment Science and Economy
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Aidan Keane
Wood Renewables
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Alexander R. Quayle
Flotation Energy Ltd
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David McMillan
University of Strathclyde Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
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James Carroll
University of Strathclyde Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
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Andrea Coraddu
Technische Universiteit Delft Faculteit Werktuigbouwkunde Maritieme Techniek & Technische Materiaalwetenschappen
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Floating offshore wind (FOW) is a renewable energy source that is set to play an essential role in addressing climate change and the need for sustainable development. However, due to the increasing threat of climate emergency, more wind turbines are required to be deployed in deep water locations, further offshore. This presents heightened challenges for accessing the turbines and performing maintenance, leading to increased costs. Naturally, methods to reduce operational expenditure (OpEx) are highly desirable. One method that shows potential for reducing OpEx of FOW is LIDAR-assisted pitch control. This approach uses wind velocity measurements from a nacelle-mounted LIDAR to enable feedforward control of floating offshore wind turbines (FOWTs), and can result in reductions to the variations of structural loads. Results obtained from a previous study of combined feedforward collective and individual pitch control (FFCPC+FFIPC) are translated to OpEx reductions via reduced component failure rates for future FOW developments, namely in locations awarded in the recent ScotWind leasing round. The results indicate that LIDAR-assisted pitch control may allow for an up to 5% reduction in OpEx, increasing up to 11% with workability constraints included. The results varied across the three ScotWind sites considered, with sites furthest from shore reaping the greatest benefit from LIDAR-assisted control. This work highlights the potential savings and reduction in the overall levelised cost of energy for future offshore wind turbine projects deliverable through the implementation of LIDAR-assisted pitch control.
Submitted to Wind Energy
19 Feb 2024Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
29 May 2024Reviewer(s) Assigned
02 Aug 2024Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
02 Aug 2024Editorial Decision: Revise Minor
09 Aug 20242nd Revision Received
11 Aug 2024Submission Checks Completed
11 Aug 2024Assigned to Editor
11 Aug 2024Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
16 Aug 2024Editorial Decision: Accept