Influences of Tensile Forces and Nanofiber Alignment on Innervated and
Non-Innervated Skeletal Myocyte Maturation in Custom Mechanobioreactors
- Melanie C. Hilman,
- Foteini Mourkioti,
- Suradip Das,
- D. Kacy Cullen
Foteini Mourkioti
University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine
Author ProfileSuradip Das
University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine
Author ProfileD. Kacy Cullen
University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine
Author ProfileAbstract
While it is well understood that muscle tissue generates contractile
forces, it is less appreciated that muscle also dynamically responds to
applied forces during development as well as in regular motion. We
previously fabricated tissue engineered muscle comprising skeletal
myocytes in co-culture with spinal motor neurons on aligned nanofiber
poly-caprolactone scaffolding, demonstrating that innervation elicited
more robust myofibers and formation of neuromuscular junctions. The
current study utilized custom mechanobioreactors to apply tensile
elongation to this engineered muscle platform to explore the effects of
exogenous forces and scaffold topology on innervated versus
non-innervated myocytes. We found that nanofiber scaffold alignment
played a significant role in myocyte thickness, width, and fusion under
both innervated and non-innervated conditions. We observed that a
combination of tensile loading and nanofiber alignment increased myocyte
fusion, suggesting these parameters work together to expedite and
enhance myofiber formation and maturation. Overall, this multi-faceted
paradigm featuring biomechanical loading, substrate topology, and
innervation mimics key features of the developmental microenvironment
experienced by myocytes in vivo. Future work may further apply this
biofidelic paradigm to study muscle development, function, and responses
to trauma, as well as explore the utility of fabricating large-scale
engineered muscle for repair of major muscle defects.18 Sep 2024Submitted to Biotechnology Journal 19 Sep 2024Submission Checks Completed
19 Sep 2024Assigned to Editor
19 Sep 2024Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
22 Sep 2024Reviewer(s) Assigned
26 Nov 2024Editorial Decision: Revise Major