Stage 2 Registered Report: Propositional thought is sufficient for
imaginal extinction as shown by contrasting participants with
aphantasia, simulated aphantasia, and controls
Imaginal exposure is a standard procedure of cognitive behavioural
therapy for the treatment of anxiety and panic disorders. It is often
used when in vivo exposure is not possible, too stressful for patients,
or would be too expensive. The Bio-Informational Theory implies that
imaginal exposure is effective because of the perceptual proximity of
mental imagery to real events, whereas empirical findings suggest that
propositional thought of fear stimuli (i.e., thinking about the stimuli
without seeing them in the mind’s eye) could be sufficient. To
investigate whether mental imagery or propositional thought is crucial
for the success of imaginal exposure, participants with the rare state
of aphantasia (= absence of sensory mental imagery) and two control
groups were subjected to a fear conditioning paradigm followed by
imaginal exposure and a reinstatement procedure. During imaginal
exposure, a control group (N = 30) stared at a bright screen to disrupt
visual imagery by incoming luminance (= simulated aphantasia), while a
second control group (N = 30) and participants with actual aphantasia (N
= 30) kept their eyes closed. Results showed successful extinction in
all groups, thus demonstrating that imaginal extinction is possible
using propositional thought. Moreover, results indicate that people with
aphantasia experience less emotional distress during the fear
conditioning procedure, most likely due to similar mechanisms as in
alexithymia, i.e., a decoupling between physiological arousal and
emotional experience.