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Assessing the Effectiveness of Topical Statins in Treating Linear Porokeratosis: A Case Study and Literature Review
  • +1
  • Wenghong Wong,
  • Kexin Peng,
  • Qiaoan Zhang,
  • Zhenghua ZHANG
Wenghong Wong
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Kexin Peng
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Qiaoan Zhang
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Zhenghua ZHANG
Huashan Hospital Fudan University

Corresponding Author:verzhang@foxmail.com

Author Profile


Here, we reported a rare case of linear porokeratosis (LP) treated topically with atorvastatin nanoemulgel for 12 weeks. The patient reported no obvious skin irritation and was delighted with the outcome. We evaluated the efficacy of topical atorvastatin as a monotherapy in this LP patient and reviewed the relevant studies on the application of topical statins/cholesterol in treating LP.
Submitted to British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
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