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Crop use structures resource selection strategies in a human-dominated landscape
  • +7
  • Nathan Hahn,
  • Jake Wall,
  • Kristen Denninger‐Snyder,
  • Kate Tiedeman,
  • Wilson Sairowua,
  • Marc Goss,
  • Stephen Ndambuki,
  • Ernest Mjingo,
  • Noel Mbise,
  • George Wittemyer
Nathan Hahn
Colorado State University

Corresponding Author:nhahn@colostate.edu

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Jake Wall
Mara Elephant Project
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Kristen Denninger‐Snyder
Grumeti Fund
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Kate Tiedeman
Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior
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Wilson Sairowua
Mara Elephant Project
Author Profile
Marc Goss
Mara Elephant Project
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Stephen Ndambuki
Kenya Wildlife Research Institute
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Ernest Mjingo
Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute
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Noel Mbise
Grumeti Fund
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George Wittemyer
Colorado State University
Author Profile


To conserve wide-ranging species in human-modified landscapes, it is essential to understand how the behavior of animals changes in relation to the degree and composition of modification. Evidence suggests that large inter-individual variation exists in the propensity for use of human-modified areas and may be driven by both behavioral and landscape factors. The use of agriculture lands by wildlife is of particular interest, given the importance of reducing human-wildlife conflicts and understanding how such areas can function as biodiversity buffers. African elephant space use can be highly influenced by human activity and the degree to which individuals crop-raid. We analyzed GPS data from 56 free-ranging elephants in the Serengeti-Mara Ecosystem using resource selection functions (RSFs) to assess how crop use may drive patterns of resource selection and space use within a population. We quantified drivers of similarity in resource selection across individuals using proximity analysis of individual RSF coefficients derived from random forest models. We found wide variation in RSF coefficient values between individuals indicating strongly differentiated resource selection strategies. Proximity assessment indicated the degree of crop use in the dry season, individual repeatability, and time spent in unprotected areas drove similarity in resource selection patterns. Crop selection was also spatially structured in relation to agricultural fragmentation. In areas with high fragmentation, elephants spent more time in crops and selected most strongly for crops in areas close to the protected area boundary, but in areas with low fragmentation elephants spent half as much time in crops and selected most strongly for crops further from protected area boundaries. Our results highlight how individual differences and landscape structure can both shape use of agricultural landscapes. We discuss our results in respect to the conservation challenges of human-elephant conflict and incorporating behavioral variation into human-wildlife coexistence efforts.
14 Mar 2024Submitted to Ecology and Evolution
21 Mar 2024Reviewer(s) Assigned
08 May 2024Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
08 May 2024Editorial Decision: Revise Minor
28 May 2024Assigned to Editor
28 May 2024Submission Checks Completed
28 May 2024Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
30 May 2024Editorial Decision: Accept