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PSF-Radon transform algorithm: Measurement of the point-spread function from the Radon transform of the line-spread function
  • Sandra Martínez,
  • Oscar E. Martínez
Sandra Martínez
Universidad de Buenos Aires

Corresponding Author:smartin@dm.uba.ar

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Oscar E. Martínez
Universidad de Buenos Aires
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In this article we present a new method called PSF-Radon transform algorithm. This algorithm consists on recovering the instrument point spread function (PSF) from the Radon tranform (in the line direction axis) of the Line Spread function (that is, the image of a line). We present the method and tested with synthetic images, and real images from macro lens camera and microscopy. A stand-alone program along with a tutorial is available, for any interested user, in [? ] .
Submitted to Microscopy Research and Technique
10 Feb 2024Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
10 Feb 2024Editorial Decision: Accept