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Bibliometric Analysis of the 100 Most Cited Dental Articles on COVID-19
  • Özlem Daltaban,
  • Nurullah Türker
Özlem Daltaban
Akdeniz University Faculty of Dentistry

Corresponding Author:daltabanozlem@yahoo.com

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Nurullah Türker
Akdeniz University Faculty of Dentistry
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Objective: This study aimed to identify and characterize the 100 most cited dental articles on COVID-19. Materials and Methods: We searched the Web of Science core collection database to identify the 100 most-cited dental articles on COVID-19 in the category of ”Dentistry, Oral Surgery and Medicine” on May 09, 2021. Among the included top most cited articles, the following parameters were recorded and analyzed: article title, publication date, authorship, institution and country of origin, journals, with its impact factor and quartile, number of citations, study design, study topic, and level of evidence (LOE). Results: The mean citation count of the 100 most-cited dental articles on COVID-19 was 32.77 (range 4-750). Four papers were cited more than 100 times. The most productive countries were the USA and China. The Sichuan University from China was the most cited institution. Although 521 authors from 32 different countries contributed to the articles, only 28% had international collaborations. The Journal of Dental Research has the most publications (n=10). The most common study type was narrative reviews (n=38) followed by cross-sectional studies (n=26). Of the 100 most-cited articles, 50 were of LOE VII and 32 LOE V. The recent focuses of the articles were saliva, mouth-washes, oral health, and dental education. Conclusion: According to our analysis, the co-authorship network of the studies is not sufficiently strong. Establishing international cooperation between researchers may increase the quality of future research on COVID-19.