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Assessing the Fidelity of Supported Education Programs for First-Episode Psychosis To the Supported Employment Guidelines Adapted for Education
  • +4
  • Élisabeth Thibaudeau,
  • Tania Lecomte,
  • Marc Corbière,
  • Amal Abdel-Baki,
  • Andréanne Simard,
  • Marc-André Roy,
  • Caroline Cellard
Élisabeth Thibaudeau
McGill University Department of Psychiatry
Author Profile
Tania Lecomte
Universite de Montreal
Author Profile
Marc Corbière
Centre de recherche de l'Institut universitaire en sante mentale de Montreal
Author Profile
Amal Abdel-Baki
Universite de Montreal
Author Profile
Andréanne Simard
Universite Laval Ecole de Psychologie
Author Profile
Marc-André Roy
Centre de Recherche CERVO
Author Profile
Caroline Cellard
Universite Laval Ecole de Psychologie

Corresponding Author:caroline.cellard@psy.ulaval.ca

Author Profile


Introduction. Psychotic disorders are associated with academic difficulties. Supported Employment Program (SEP) guidelines have become the gold standard to improve occupational functioning in psychotic disorders. More recently, these guidelines have been adapted to education. In Canada, several community organizations and hospital programs offer supported education to young people with psychotic disorders. However, SEP guidelines are not systematically used. The objective of this study was to assess the fidelity of 6 Canadian (Quebec) organizations offering supported education services to young people with psychotic disorders to the SEP guidelines adapted to education. Methods. Six sites offering educational services to young people with psychotic disorders were recruited. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with one supported education professional and one manager of each site, using the Quality of Supported Education Implementation Scale (QSEDIS). This new scale has been developed from the Quality of Supported Employment Implementation Scale. The QSEDIS assesses the fidelity of the quality of the implementation of supported education programs, using three subscales (Employees, Organization and Services). Results. Acceptable fidelity scores were observed in the three QSEDIS subscales for all six sites combined. The Services subscale received the highest score of fidelity (4.4./5), followed by the Supported Education Employee (4.1/5) and the Organization (3.7/5). Conclusion. The results suggest that supported education services offered to young people with psychotic disorders in the six sites are generally consistent with SEP guidelines adapted to education. Further research is warranted to validate whether acceptable SEP guidelines fidelity according to the QSEDIS translates into educational outcomes.
02 Nov 2023Submitted to Early Intervention in Psychiatry
02 Nov 2023Submission Checks Completed
02 Nov 2023Assigned to Editor
02 Nov 2023Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
12 Mar 2024Editorial Decision: Revise Minor
08 Apr 2024Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
09 Apr 2024Editorial Decision: Accept