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Towards Precision Psychiatry for Youth: the PRE-EMPT Centre of Research Excellence Roadmap.
  • +23
  • Dominic Dwyer,
  • Scott Clark,
  • G. Paul Amminger,
  • Enda Byrne,
  • Christopher Davey,
  • Caroline Gao,
  • Simon Hartmann,
  • Jessica Hartmann,
  • Nikolaos Koutsouleris,
  • Rochelle Ye,
  • Josh Nguyen,
  • Julie Ja,
  • Isabelle Scott,
  • Cassandra Wannan,
  • Ann Ee Ching,
  • Ashleigh Lin,
  • Blake Caave,
  • Patrick McGorry,
  • Christel Middeldorp,
  • Angelica Ronald,
  • Lianne Schmaal,
  • Andy Thompson,
  • J.T.W Wigman,
  • Stephen Wood,
  • Alison Yung,
  • Barnaby Nelson
Dominic Dwyer
Orygen Ltd

Corresponding Author:dominic.dwyer@orygen.org.au

Author Profile
Scott Clark
The University of Adelaide Discipline of Psychiatry
Author Profile
G. Paul Amminger
Orygen Ltd
Author Profile
Enda Byrne
The University of Queensland Child Health Research Centre
Author Profile
Christopher Davey
The University of Melbourne Department of Psychiatry
Author Profile
Caroline Gao
Orygen Ltd
Author Profile
Simon Hartmann
The University of Adelaide Discipline of Psychiatry
Author Profile
Jessica Hartmann
Universitat Heidelberg Medizinische Fakultat Mannheim
Author Profile
Nikolaos Koutsouleris
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen Mittelalterliche Geschichte
Author Profile
Rochelle Ye
Orygen Ltd
Author Profile
Josh Nguyen
Orygen Ltd
Author Profile
Julie Ja
Orygen Ltd
Author Profile
Isabelle Scott
Orygen Ltd
Author Profile
Cassandra Wannan
Orygen Ltd
Author Profile
Ann Ee Ching
Orygen Ltd
Author Profile
Ashleigh Lin
Telethon Kids Institute
Author Profile
Blake Caave
Telethon Kids Institute
Author Profile
Patrick McGorry
Orygen Ltd
Author Profile
Christel Middeldorp
The University of Queensland Child Health Research Centre
Author Profile
Angelica Ronald
Birkbeck University of London Department of Psychological Sciences
Author Profile
Lianne Schmaal
Orygen Ltd
Author Profile
Andy Thompson
Orygen Ltd
Author Profile
J.T.W Wigman
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen Groningen bioinformatics Centre
Author Profile
Stephen Wood
Orygen Ltd
Author Profile
Alison Yung
Deakin University Institute for Mental and Physical Health and Clinical Translation
Author Profile
Barnaby Nelson
Orygen Ltd
Author Profile


Background. Mental illnesses mostly occur before 25 years of age when early identification and intervention could delay, ameliorate, or prevent lifelong disability. However, several challenges hinder optimal psychiatric care in youth due to the diversity of presentations, comorbidities, illness courses, and treatment responses. It is increasingly clear that one-size-fits-all approaches will not be effective and personalised approaches are needed to guide therapeutic pathways for individuals. Following precedents in other medical fields, machine learning approaches may address these needs by providing decision support tools that predict diagnoses, prognoses, and therapies. This paper outlines how such a future of augmented care may be facilitated through the establishment of the world’s first ‘Prediction of Early Mental Disorder and Preventative Treatment Centre of Research Excellence’ (PRE-EMPT). Methods. Five key components of the Centre will be addressed, including interdisciplinary collaboration, data harmonization, methods sharing, development of decision support tools, and capacity building. Conclusion. Implementation of research methodology guidelines within the Centre will assist in the production of reproducible, transparent, and open-source techniques and models. When combined, this paper will address key challenges facing the future of psychiatric care for youth and a roadmap of how to address them.
07 Aug 2023Submitted to Early Intervention in Psychiatry
19 Sep 2023Submission Checks Completed
19 Sep 2023Assigned to Editor
19 Sep 2023Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
08 Oct 2023Reviewer(s) Assigned