Aspidistra pentagona (Asparagaceae, Convallarioideae), new species from
northern Vietnam
- Leonid Averyanov
, - Khang Nguyen
, - Hans-Juergen Tillich
, - Tatiana Maisak,
- Valeria Shvanova
Leonid Averyanov

Komarov Botanical Institute
Author ProfileValeria Shvanova
Komarov Botanical Inst. of the Russian Academy of Science, St Petersburg, Russia
Author ProfileAbstract
This paper continues the publication of Aspidistra species newly
discovered in the flora of Vietnam. It includes an illustrated
description of A. pentagona, found in northern parts of the country.
Detailed analytical color illustrations, data on morphology and ecology,
phenology, tentative relationships, distribution, and expected
conservation status are provided for the discovered species.07 May 2023Submitted to Nordic Journal of Botany 15 Aug 2023Submission Checks Completed
15 Aug 2023Assigned to Editor
15 Aug 2023Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
20 Aug 2023Reviewer(s) Assigned
14 Sep 2023Editorial Decision: Revise Minor
20 Sep 20231st Revision Received
03 Feb 20242nd Revision Received
07 Feb 2024Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending