Positive drift post nanoindentation in titanium diboride films
- A S Bhattacharyya

A S Bhattacharyya

Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Central University of Jharkhand, Centre of Excellence in Green and Efficient Energy Technology, Central University of Jharkhand
Corresponding Author:arnab.bhattacharya@cuj.ac.in
Author ProfileAbstract
The positive drift at the end of nanoindentation P-h plot in case of hard titanium diboride (TiB2) films was ascribed to swelling taking place due to strain gradient plastic deformation with the sample contacting the indenter. The indentations performed at lower loads based on the positioning however suffered resistance towards any plastic deformation as per GTN theory. Although the formation of nanocrystallites inside larger grains were observed, indentation performed at grain boundaries or area having comparatively lower atomic density caused plastic deformation.08 Nov 2023Submitted to APPL Interactive Papers 13 Dec 2023Published in APPL Interactive Papers