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Tibial Turn-Up in Oncological Reconstruction: Rationale alternative for massive distal femoral bone loss. Case report and review of the literature
  • +2
  • Sergio Andres Arroyave Rivera,
  • Camilo Soto,
  • Luis Gómez,
  • Andrea Franco,
  • Juan Chaustre
Sergio Andres Arroyave Rivera
Nueva Granada Military University Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

Corresponding Author:chechoarroyave@gmail.com

Author Profile
Camilo Soto
Instituto Nacional de Cancerologia
Author Profile
Luis Gómez
Instituto Nacional de Cancerologia
Author Profile
Andrea Franco
Instituto Nacional de Cancerologia
Author Profile
Juan Chaustre
Instituto Nacional de Cancerologia
Author Profile
19 Oct 2023Submitted to Clinical Case Reports
20 Oct 2023Submission Checks Completed
20 Oct 2023Assigned to Editor
06 Nov 2023Reviewer(s) Assigned