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Temporal Evaluation of Scour Hole Dimensions Due to Plain Wall Jets in Non-Cohesive Sediments Using Soft Computing Approach: White-Box vs. Black-Box Modelling
  • Reza Barati,
  • Mojtaba Mehraein,
  • Mohammad Javad Alizadeh
Reza Barati
Tarbiat Modares University
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Mojtaba Mehraein
Kharazmi University

Corresponding Author:mehraein@khu.ac.ir

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Mohammad Javad Alizadeh
Water Research Institute
Author Profile


This study analyzed the temporal variation of scour hole dimensions caused by a plain wall jet, which is one of the most hazardous issues faced by hydraulic structures. The study employed two recently developed artificial intelligence-based models, Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) and Multi-Gen Genetic Programming (MGGP), to predict scour hole dimensions and identify effective parameters. Both models accurately predicted the scour hole dimensions, with MGGP outperforming ELM for both training and testing data. MGGP presented four equations that can be used by designers to predict the temporal variations of scour hole dimensions with high accuracy. The non-dimensional form of the scouring time was found to be the most effective parameter, while the channel width ratio and standard deviation of sediments had negligible effects on the accuracy of the models. The study found that the effectiveness of the densimetric Froude number should be considered for predicting the temporal variation of scour hole dimensions due to plain wall jets. The proposed equations from both models had higher accuracy than previous empirical models. Overall, this study provides valuable insights into predicting and mitigating jet scour problems in hydraulic structures.
14 Oct 2023Submitted to Computational Intelligence
14 Oct 2023Submission Checks Completed
14 Oct 2023Assigned to Editor
16 Oct 2023Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
18 Oct 2023Reviewer(s) Assigned