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Supporting Information for "Ingestible Functional Magnetic Robot with Localized Flexibility (MR-LF)"
  • +2
  • Taylor E. Greenwood,
  • Henry Cagle,
  • Benson Pulver,
  • On Shun Pak,
  • Yong Lin Kong
Taylor E. Greenwood
Author Profile
Henry Cagle
Benson Pulver
On Shun Pak
Yong Lin Kong

Corresponding Author:yonglinkong@alumni.princeton.edu

Author Profile


This Supporting Information includes information regarding the magnetic field of the actuator magnet, MR-LF-S (which has the same geometry as MR-LF and a soft compartment), and a table comparing MR-LF to other small-scale, flexible magnetic crawler robots.
 Corresponding author email:   yong.kong@utah.edu
08 Sep 2022Submitted to AISY Supporting Information
09 Sep 2022Published in AISY Supporting Information