Real-time active power dispatch of virtual power plant based on
distributed model predictive control
- Shuai Feng,
- Dongsheng Yang,
- Bowen Zhou,
- Yanhong Luo
, - Guangdi Li
Shuai Feng
Northeastern University College of Information Science and Engineering
Author ProfileDongsheng Yang
Northeastern University College of Information Science and Engineering
Author ProfileBowen Zhou
Northeastern University College of Information Science and Engineering
Author ProfileYanhong Luo

Northeastern University College of Information Science and Engineering
Author ProfileGuangdi Li
Northeastern University College of Information Science and Engineering
Author ProfileAbstract
With the increasing penetration of renewable energy, virtual power
plants reduce the impact on the power grid by integrating massive
distributed resources for unified management. However, the optimal
scheduling of a large number of distributed resources in virtual power
plants has become a new problem in recent years. Therefore, aiming at
the real-time optimal scheduling problem in the optimal scheduling of
virtual power plant, this letter regards the virtual power plant as a
multi-agent system, and proposes a novel real-time active power dispatch
scheme of virtual power plant based on distributed model predictive
control, so that each agent can not only calculate its own optimization
function relatively independently, but also fully refer to the neighbor
information. Simulation results show the feasibility and effectiveness
of the proposed method.13 Aug 2022Submitted to Electronics Letters 17 Aug 2022Submission Checks Completed
17 Aug 2022Assigned to Editor
18 Aug 2022Reviewer(s) Assigned
30 Aug 2022Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
31 Aug 2022Editorial Decision: Accept
Nov 2022Published in Electronics Letters volume 58 issue 23 on pages 872-875. 10.1049/ell2.12640