Cooperative jamming resource allocation model and algorithm for netted
- Zekun Yao
, - Chuanbin Tang
, - Qianzhan Shi,
- Chao Wang,
- Naichang Yuan
Zekun Yao

National University of Defense Technology
Author ProfileAbstract
In this letter, the jamming resource allocation problem of distributed
jammers cooperatively jamming netted radar system is investigated. A
well-constructed jamming resource allocation model considering jamming
beams, jamming power and other influencing factors is established.
Random keys are used in this letter to improve the coding mode of
genetic algorithm. Simulation results show that in the case of limited
jamming resources, the model and algorithm proposed can achieve
effective jamming allocation schemes facing a netted radar with any
number of radar nodes.06 Jul 2022Submitted to Electronics Letters 07 Jul 2022Submission Checks Completed
07 Jul 2022Assigned to Editor
17 Jul 2022Reviewer(s) Assigned
25 Jul 2022Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
22 Aug 2022Editorial Decision: Accept
Oct 2022Published in Electronics Letters volume 58 issue 22 on pages 834-836. 10.1049/ell2.12611