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Valve Endocarditis, to repair or not to repair, is that really the question?
  • +1
  • Michele Di Mauro,
  • Giorgia Bonalumi,
  • Antonio Calafiore,
  • Roberto Lorusso
Michele Di Mauro
Maastricht UMC+

Corresponding Author:mdimauro1973@gmail.com

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Giorgia Bonalumi
Centro Cardiologico Monzino Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico
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Antonio Calafiore
Henry Dunant Hospital, Athens, Greece
Author Profile
Roberto Lorusso
Maastricht University Medical Centre
Author Profile


The meta-analysis by He and collaborators [has the worth to cover, as much as possible, a gap of scientific evidence where conducting a randomized trial appears very complex for ethical and logistical reasons. The authors concluded that mitral valve repair (MVP) provide better pooled results, both early and late, with respect to mitral valve replacement (MVR). However, the superiority of MVP is driven by some single large cohort-studies where surgeons had wide experience in the field of MVP for IE. This finding is also confirmed by other studies. But if mitral repair produces such a better short- and long-term survival than replacement, why are there no clear indications from consensus and guidelines pushing surgeons toward the pursuit of a reconstructive procedure at almost any cost? We wonder but to repair or not to repair, is that really the question? The AATS consensus suggests to repair “whenever possible” but without providing more specific indications. If the two primary goals of surgery are total removal of infected tissues and reconstruction of cardiac morphology, including repair or replacement of the affected valve(s), probably MVP as to perform in case of less extensive tissue detriment by the infection. In more wide valve involvement, MVP may be the choice but only in very expert hands and in Centers with very large volume of valve repairing. This decision cannot therefore be the result of the choice of an individual but must derive from a careful multidisciplinary discussion to be held in an EndoTeam.
30 Dec 2021Submitted to Journal of Cardiac Surgery
31 Dec 2021Submission Checks Completed
31 Dec 2021Assigned to Editor
31 Dec 2021Editorial Decision: Accept
13 Jan 2022Published in Journal of Cardiac Surgery. 10.1111/jocs.16232