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Insights from the Software Design of a Multiphysics Multicomponent Scientific Code
  • Anshu Dubey
Anshu Dubey

Corresponding Author:adubey@anl.gov

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Using simulations for scientific discovery requires that the software used in the simulations undergoes a rigorous design and development process similar to that of the lab instruments in the experimental sciences. To devise a good design methodology it is critical to understand the requirements, constraints and challenges. This article describes insights from the long-term stewardship of a multiphysics multicomponent software, FLASH, that was designed more than 20 years ago for astrophysics, now serves multiple communities, and has been successful in adapting to the changing world of high-performance computing.
20 Mar 2021Submitted to Computing in Science and Engineering
23 Mar 2021Published in Computing in Science and Engineering
01 May 2021Published in Computing in Science & Engineering volume 23 issue 3 on pages 92-95. 10.1109/MCSE.2021.3069343