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Management of labor and delivery by spinal and epidural analgesia in a woman with systemic mastocytosis: a case report
  • +2
  • Chiharu Kawagoe,
  • Chiyo Ootaki,
  • Yuki Kinishi,
  • Chie Matsuda,
  • Reiko Uokawa.
Chiharu Kawagoe
Osaka University School of Medicine Graduate School of Medicine

Corresponding Author:takikawa1226@gmail.com

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Chiyo Ootaki
Osaka University School of Medicine Graduate School of Medicine
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Yuki Kinishi
Osaka University School of Medicine Graduate School of Medicine
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Chie Matsuda
Osaka University School of Medicine Graduate School of Medicine
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Reiko Uokawa.
Osaka University Faculty of Medicine Graduate School of Medicine
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Systemic mastocytosis is a life-threatening disease in which mast cell mediator release can lead to general symptoms. The most common triggers are stress and pain during labor and delivery. We report the management of labor and delivery in a case with severe systemic mastocytosis by epidural analgesia.
02 Jan 2021Submitted to Clinical Case Reports
08 Feb 2021Submission Checks Completed
08 Feb 2021Assigned to Editor
19 Feb 2021Reviewer(s) Assigned
04 Mar 2021Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
04 Mar 2021Editorial Decision: Revise Minor