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Oxidative stress and schizophrenia: A comparative cross-sectional study of multiple oxidative markers in patients and their first-degree relatives
  • Eray Guler
Eray Guler
Bezmialem Vakif University

Corresponding Author:eraymetinguler@gmail.com

Author Profile


Objective: Schizophrenia(SCZ) is a heritable severe mental disorder with unknown pathogenic mechanisms. It is known that oxidative stress(OS) plays a crucial role in the pathophysiology of SCZ. Our study aimed to evaluate whether there is a relationship between the severity of illness and OS biomarkers in SCZ patients and first-degree-relatives of patients(FDRs). Methods: This study included 50 adult patients with SCZ, 50 unaffected FDRs, and 50 controls. OS biomarkers, myeloperoxidase(MPO), total oxidant status(TOS), total antioxidant status(TAS), total thiol(TT), and native thiol(NT) levels were measured by different photometric methods. Disulfide(DS) and oxidative stress index(OSI) were calculated with mathematical formulas. Results: TOS, DS, and OSI levels were significantly higher, and TAS, TT, and NT levels were lower in SCZ and FDRs than controls. In SCZ group, MPO activity was higher compared to relatives and controls. Results in this study did not provide a strong correlation between Positive&Negative Syndrome Scale(PANSS) and other biomarkers. There was just a low negative correlation between TT and PANSS in SCZ group(p=0,041,r=-0,297). Conclusion: OS increased significantly in SCZ, and FDRs increased slightly than controls, indicating the presence of OS in the etiology of the disease. High OS may be an effective factor for SCZ in later years.
06 Dec 2020Submitted to International Journal of Clinical Practice
14 Dec 2020Submission Checks Completed
14 Dec 2020Assigned to Editor
03 Jan 2021Reviewer(s) Assigned
19 Jan 2021Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
05 Apr 20211st Revision Received
05 Apr 2021Submission Checks Completed
05 Apr 2021Assigned to Editor
01 Jun 2021Reviewer(s) Assigned
28 Jun 2021Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
06 Aug 2021Editorial Decision: Accept