The relationship between the conservation laws and multi-Hamiltonian
structures of the Kundu equation
- Jian-bing Zhang
, - Yingyin Gongye,
- Wen-Xiu, Ma
Jian-bing Zhang

Jiangsu Normal University
Author ProfileAbstract
By the Lagrangian multiplier and constraint variational derivative, a
relationship between conserved quantities and multi-Hamiltonian
structures is built. Making using the relation a method is founded to
prove the infinite-dimensional Liouville integrability of evolution
equations with continuous variables. As the application, the
conservation laws of the Kundu equation are firstly obtained. Its
conserved quantities are deduced for comparing by Fokas' method
different from the method used in the existed literature. The
integrability of the equation is proved through taking the conservation
laws as a starting point.11 Oct 2020Submitted to Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 12 Oct 2020Submission Checks Completed
12 Oct 2020Assigned to Editor
05 Nov 2020Reviewer(s) Assigned
17 Mar 2022Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
18 Mar 2022Editorial Decision: Accept
15 Nov 2022Published in Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences volume 45 issue 16 on pages 9006-9020. 10.1002/mma.8288