Iterative Lumping Approach for representing Lipid Feedstocks in Fatty
Acid Distillation Simulation and Optimization
- Pieter Nachtergaele,
- Tobias De Somer,
- Bastiaan Gelaude,
- Joël Hogie,
- Joris Thybaut
, - Steven De Meester,
- David Drijvers,
- Jo Dewulf
Pieter Nachtergaele
Ghent University
Author ProfileAbstract
The complexity of lipid feedstocks and the lack of data on physical
properties hinder the simulation of oleochemical processing units. In
this work, an iterative lumping approach is proposed to define an
adequate number of key components such that diversification between
lipid feedstocks becomes possible, while keeping the determination of
physical properties as required for process modelling manageable. As a
case study, the iterative lumping approach is used for simulation and
optimization of a fatty acid distillation plant. For predicting
vapour-liquid equilibria of fatty acids, the best results were acquired
using the property method UNIQ-HOC. Using the iterative lumping
approach, 11 key components were selected to represent the feedstock.
The process model properly predicts the product composition, yield,
purity and heat duty. The most important process parameters are found to
be side-reflux-ratio, reboiler-outlet-temperature and heat-duty of the
pitch-distiller. For optimization, an increase of the side-reflux-ratio
and reboiler-outlet-temperature, is recommended.04 Aug 2020Submitted to AIChE Journal 08 Sep 2020Submission Checks Completed
08 Sep 2020Assigned to Editor
15 Sep 2020Reviewer(s) Assigned
07 Dec 2020Editorial Decision: Revise Major
19 Jan 20211st Revision Received
23 Jan 2021Submission Checks Completed
23 Jan 2021Assigned to Editor
25 Jan 2021Reviewer(s) Assigned
31 Jan 2021Editorial Decision: Accept