Reply to a brief comment on the past and present of surgical treatment
of cardiac wounds
Dear Editor, First we would like to thank Dr Lopez de la Cruz for her
comments and interest about our recently published article “the odyssey
of suturing cardiac wounds: lessons from the past”. We highly
appreciated and agree with the complements she made especially about
Larrey and Milton role in this field. One should also note Theodore
Tuffier’s attempt at cardiac resuscitation in 1898 in a young man dying
on the wards at La Pitié Hospital (Paris)¹. Although this act was
performed on an unwounded heart it adds information about the history of
surgical approach in such dramatic condition. We do recognize left
anterolateral thoracotomy as the gold standard in an emergency room to
treat a penetrating cardiac injury. However a median longitudinal
sternotomy may be discussed in our opinion if the patient arrived
directly in a cardiac surgery operating theater. The patent presented in
our paper was directly brought in our operative theater of cardiac
surgery and managed immediately by cardiac surgeons and cardiac
anesthesiologists, with a cardiopulmonary bypass ready, dedicated scrub
nurses and perfusionist. In such specific conditions a sternotomy may be
discussed, depending on the context and the anatomical suspected lesions
(it was the option retained in the presented case and the surgical
procedure was safely performed with good outcome). Clearly, in a
peripheral hospital or at the emergency room sternotomy is not an option
to be considered and we agree with Dr Lopez de la Cruz.