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A case of congenital single testis with testicular cancer patient and azoospermia who was able to collect spermatozoa with ipsilateral Onco-TESE
  • +2
  • Kazumasa Hayashi,
  • Hiroshi Masuda,
  • Teruo Inamoto,
  • Haruhito Azuma,
  • Hirotsugu Oku
Kazumasa Hayashi

Corresponding Author:uro063@osaka-med.ac.jp

Author Profile
Hiroshi Masuda
Tesseikai Neurologial Surgery Hospital
Author Profile
Teruo Inamoto
Osaka Medical College Hospital
Author Profile
Haruhito Azuma
Osaka Medical College Hospital
Author Profile
Hirotsugu Oku
KItahama RD Clinic
Author Profile


Radiotherapy and chemotherapy in patients with testicular cancer often cause infertility. We describe congenital single testis patient with testicular cancer and azoospermia who was underwent ipsilateral Onco-TESE during radical orchiectomy and succeeded in sperm collection, followed by having a healthy child after ICSI.
19 Aug 2020Submitted to Clinical Case Reports
21 Aug 2020Submission Checks Completed
21 Aug 2020Assigned to Editor
07 Sep 2020Reviewer(s) Assigned
11 Sep 2020Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
20 Sep 2020Editorial Decision: Revise Minor
16 Oct 20201st Revision Received
22 Oct 2020Submission Checks Completed
22 Oct 2020Assigned to Editor
22 Oct 2020Review(s) Completed, Editorial Evaluation Pending
01 Nov 2020Editorial Decision: Accept
Jan 2021Published in Clinical Case Reports volume 9 issue 1 on pages 535-539. 10.1002/ccr3.3576