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Training Efforts in the Exascale Computing Project
  • Osni Marques,
  • Ashley Barker
Osni Marques
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Corresponding Author:oamarques@lbl.gov

Author Profile
Ashley Barker
Oak Ridge National Laboratory


Certainly! Apologies for the previous omissions. Below is the complete LaTeX document that includes all the requested sections, arguments, code snippets, and proofs, organized logically into a single cohesive document. “‘latex This article describes the training activities carried out under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Exascale Computing Project (ECP). While some of these activities are specific to members of ECP, others can be beneficial to the community at large. We report on training opportunities and resources that the broad computational science community can tap into. We seek to increase awareness about these resources, which we expect to go beyond ECP’s scope and life cycle.

29 Jun 2020Submitted to Computing in Science and Engineering
30 Jun 2020Editor invited a reviewer
06 Jul 2020Review Report #1 received
16 Jul 2020Published in Computing in Science and Engineering
01 Sep 2020Published in Computing in Science & Engineering volume 22 issue 5 on pages 103-107. 10.1109/MCSE.2020.3010596
Sharon Broude Geva posted a review
I found the article "Training Efforts in the Exascale Computing Project" enjoyable to read and very informative. I believe this information will be useful to CiSE readers looking for resources on training in scientific computation on HPC settings, as well as those looking for lessons on how to set up training for the type of topics described in the article.For those readers who are not familiar yet with the concepts of exascale computing and might not understand why there is a need for specialized training